National Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Plans, United States
Our annual health benefits survey, with over 1,900 respondents in 2023, is one of the largest of its kind.
Sign up to be notified when the 2024 report is released.
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Compensation Data | Sales, Marketing and Communications, United States
Rewarding the face and voice of your company
Compensation Data | Metropolitan Benchmarks, United States
Regional compensation data for your critical jobs
Welcome to Mercer’s Products and Solutions Shop
At Mercer, we provide a comprehensive range of products and solutions designed to empower your organization in making informed HR decisions that align with your business objectives.
From the day an employee is recruited, to the time they leave your organisation, the remuneration and benefits strategy is one of the most complex iss...
Displaying employee benefit plans in a confidential side-by-side format, the Summary of Plan Features (SPF) report easily compares the organization pl...
Showing statistics of the benefit plan features of all covered plans; the Summary of Plan Statistics report shows the mean and most prevalent response...