With data from Mercer’s APAC Benefits Survey, which is conducted with more than 5000 companies, the Benefits Prevalence Report and Benefits Practice Report Summary will provide you with a quick overview of your benefits policies.
The reports will include information on the typical benefits for a given market:
Core Benefits
Leave & holidays
Medical benefits - outpatient & inpatient
Insurance benefits
Supplementary retirement
Allowances & subsidies
Strategic benefits
Health & wellness
Flexible benefits
Training & development
Employee recognition awards
Long-service awards
Employment conditions
Working hours and overtime policies
Re-employment policies
Contract employment
Termination & redundancy
Flexible work arrangements
Mobility-related benefits
Vehicle benefits
Business travel - domestic & international
Local plus benefits (only for Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam)
Benefits Practice Report Summary
This report provide you with an overview of prevalence information and the median values to help you quickly identify variations in the benefits policies.
This report helps you to...
Take a quick glance into the P50 and prevalence across all 5 employee categories in 1 single report to identify variations in the benefits policies.