Mercer’s Gender Equal Pay Analysis Tool is an easy to use Excel solution designed to address the recently introduced EU equal pay legislation providing an overview of your organization's gender equal pay and gender representation. This will help you assess the difference in pay levels of individuals doing equal work or work of equal value in your business, together with all additional requirements described in the EU regulation.
The tool is designed to address the recently introduced EU equal pay legislation, providing companies with valuable insights if they opt for this feature. Additionally, it offers a standard option suitable for clients operating in countries outside the EU, irrespective of specific legislative requirements.
Who could benefit from our Gender Equal Pay Analysis?
Companies looking for support with European Union Specific legal requirements related to gender equal pay
Small-to-midsize companies (idealy up to 5,000 employees) seeking external support to perform a high-level gender equal pay analysis
Using Mercer's Gender Equal Pay Analysis you'll be able to answer these key questions:
What is the overall gender pay and equal pay gap in my company?
What are the differences in pay between men and women at similar positions in my company?
Can the Pay Gap be justified by an objective, gender-neutral criteria? E.g. performance, tenure, etc...
In which roles can we find potentially unexplainable pay differences?
What is the impact of variable pay?
What is the current gender distribution by grade in my company?
What does it offer
In order to showcase your company is compliant to the new EU equal pay legislation or make colleagues and your board aware the company is thriving for Equality is key to run periodically Gender Equal Pay analysis.
What does Mercer's Gender Equal Pay Analysis offer?
A dashboard provides you with a summary by grade and entity, covering:
Predefined or client’s customs data slicing using filtering functionality
Gender and salary distribution
A list of equal jobs where corrective measures are advised
Audit tables provide detailed insights of gender equal pay at any job level in your organization.
Looking into any of the 5 compensation levels (base salary, total guaranteed cash compensation, total cash compensation, total direct compensation and total remuneration) you will:
See pay gaps in the equal jobs/category of workers explained and unexplained by the objective factors of your choice (up to three options are covered; for example, education, tenure and employee performance)
Simulate how pay gaps adjust if you make changes to the remuneration for specific employees.