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Select the most valuable data, insights, and events from Mercer's European Information Packages (EIP).
This exceptional offering provides a competitive edge by granting you access to vital perks, all at a significantly reduced cost.
Mercer's enhanced European Information Packages (EIP) for 2025, provide you with unparalleled access to essential data, insights, and events, ensuring you stay ahead in a competitive landscape all at an exceptional value.
The Silver package offers you up to 46% savings and great benefits including:
Select the signature event of your choice:
Choose two local publications from the list below:
EUR 1,900
Email, call + 48 22 436 68 68, or contact your local Mercer representative.
The Gold package offers you up to 39% savings and great benefits including:
Select the signature event of your choice:
Choose three regional publications from the list below:
EUR 5,400
Email, call + 48 22 436 68 68, or contact your local Mercer representative.
The Platinum package offers you up to 49% savings and great benefits including:
Select the signature event of your choice:
Choose three global publications from the list below:
EUR 8,000
Email, call + 48 22 436 68 68, or contact your local Mercer representative.