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Simplify job architecture customizations through one simple tool, tailored to meet the needs of your organizations.
Save time and resources building and maintaining job structures. Long gone are the days using spreadsheets or other old-fashioned, static tools. The Job Architecture Tool is a one-stop digital and intuitive application, enabling your team to quickly create and update job frameworks, fully facilitated by network-based team administration and management workflows.
Enhanced Flexibility
Adapt job architectures to evolving organizational needs.
Improved Talent Management
Enable clear career progression paths and identify skill gaps.
Compliance and Risk Mitigation
Ensure legal compliance with labor laws and regulations
Unlock the power of a customized job architecture
The Job Architecture Tool (JAT) allows you to unlock the power of a customized job architecture by tailoring job levels, families, and titles to meet your organization's specific needs.
What is job architecture?
A job architecture clearly articulates consistent structure for job roles, ensuring that they are aligned with the organization's goals, objectives and overall strategy. It provides a foundation for effective talent management, including recruitment, performance management, career development and compensation.
By implementing a job architecture framework, organizations can achieve several benefits:
The job Architecture Tool enables deeper insight into the HR lifecycle where it can support ambitions like learning and development, strategic workforce planning, mobility, open talent marketplace and broader talent initiatives.
How JAT Works:
Sample Use Cases: