Executive Remuneration Audit is a benchmark analysis of the remuneration package for executive positions as defined by the client's organisation. The compensation package of the positions included in the report is compared with those in the general market as well as in the client's industry.
Do you know how high the risk is of losing key top positions in your company due to the differences in salary levels compared with the market in your industry?
Are you sure that the bonuses paid to your executives are as attractive as those of your competitors?
Is your Chief Operations Officer underpaid and your Chief Technology Officer overpaid – at the same time – compared with competitors in your industry?
Benchmarked compensation components are as follows:
Annual Base Salary
Total Cash Compensation (Actual)
Total Remuneration
The references included in the report represent the direct market comparison in terms of the sample and the functions of the analysed positions. The reference group includes similar positions in multinational organisations of comparable size located in the client´s country.
Key Benefits
Assess the remuneration package for executive positions in your company by comparing it to the market.
Improve retention of key/strategic employees.
Compare base salary, benefits, and long-term incentives with those of competitors.