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Access current trends and benchmarking data about strategic mobility management and long-term assignment policies and practices.
One of the most comprehensive and established market surveys of its kind, our Worldwide Survey of International Assignment Policies and Practices (WIAPP) helps you uncover the current trends in global mobility programs in general and long-term assignment management in particular, in order to gain actionable insights and benchmark your approaches.
The latest reports from our Worldwide International Assignment Policies and Practices survey (WIAPP), conducted during February and March 2023, offer current and comprehensive insights into:
Based on data from over 360 participating organizations, the report outlines the why and how of global talent mobility programs, their direction and how they fit within broader company strategies.
The report explores long-term assignment (LTA) policy and practice trends from over 300 participating organizations, and their evolution since the 2020 survey edition.
The WIAPP also facilitates a review with Mercer's Policy Benchmarking service . We can assess your mobility program using precise benchmarking tools and report on gaps in your program that could be costing you money or valuable competitive advantage. For more information, please contact us or speak to your mobility consultant.